At Cleves Primary School we aim to develop a comprehensive range of skills and knowledge, encompassing procedural skills (techniques and methods), substantive skills (material proficiency), and implicit declarative skills (understanding artistic concepts).
Through a balance of hands-on practice, exposure to various artistic forms, and exploration of implicit meanings within art, our curriculum seeks to nurture pupils’ creativity, critical thinking, and aesthetic awareness.
We have designed our curriculum to provide a foundation that not only hones artistic techniques but also cultivates an appreciation for the diverse expressions and meanings embedded in art.
Additionally, the Cleves curriculum aims to encourage self-expression, originality, and the development of a personal artistic voice. It incorporates the study of art history and exposure to various cultural and artistic traditions to broaden pupils’ perspectives. Collaborative projects and discussions about the interpretation of artworks can foster social and communication skills.
Overall, our curriculum seeks to not only teach artistic techniques but also to inspire a lifelong appreciation for art, fostering creativity, cultural awareness, and the ability to critically engage with visual expression.